Monographs and Tutorials

Papers in Journals and Books

  • Nteutse, P.K.; Mugenga, I.R.; Geletu, A.; Li, P. Novel Ordinary Differential Equation for State-of-Charge Simulation of Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery. Appl. Sci. 202414, 5284.

Papers in Conferences

  • Peguy Kameni Nteutse and Abebe Geletu: Investigation of Knee Torque Dynamics in Single-Leg Transfemoral Prosthetic during Walking using Mathematical Modeling. In: International African Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Applications (MLOA) (July 2023)
  • Ineza Remy Mugenga, Abebe Geletu, Pu Li: Chance Constrained Distributed Optimisation for Interconnected Power Systems. In: 12th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power & Energy Systems (CPES) (July 2024).